EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Does Open Access Matter? 100 Stories of Impact: One Year Later

Does Open Access Matter? 100 Stories of Impact: One Year Later

Presenter Information

Promita Chatterji, bepress

Author Biography

Promita Chatterji, Product Marketing Manager ,Bepress

Program Type


Start Date and Time

25-10-2017 2:00 PM

End Date and Time

25-10-2017 3:00 PM


RT 325 (viewing room near Multi Media Services)

Program Description

A year ago, bepress Managing Director Jean-Gabriel Bankier and Product Marketing Manager Promita Chatterji wrote that it was time to reevaluate the way we talk about open access: we need to talk about why it matters. Since bepress joined Elsevier in August, the conversation has gained new momentum as librarians and scholars ask what the news means. With added visibility and resources, the bepress community can broaden the traditional open access framework and add its voice to the discussion of why open access matters, on campus and off. Join us for a free webinar update on last year’s 100 Stories of Open Access Impact. Promita Chatterji will share new anecdotes that show why open access matters, using bepress’s framework of demonstrable impact for the library and institution.


Who should attend: For anyone who wants to promote Open Access.

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Oct 25th, 2:00 PM Oct 25th, 3:00 PM

Does Open Access Matter? 100 Stories of Impact: One Year Later

RT 325 (viewing room near Multi Media Services)

A year ago, bepress Managing Director Jean-Gabriel Bankier and Product Marketing Manager Promita Chatterji wrote that it was time to reevaluate the way we talk about open access: we need to talk about why it matters. Since bepress joined Elsevier in August, the conversation has gained new momentum as librarians and scholars ask what the news means. With added visibility and resources, the bepress community can broaden the traditional open access framework and add its voice to the discussion of why open access matters, on campus and off. Join us for a free webinar update on last year’s 100 Stories of Open Access Impact. Promita Chatterji will share new anecdotes that show why open access matters, using bepress’s framework of demonstrable impact for the library and institution.
