EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Managing Your Rights as an Academic Author

Managing Your Rights as an Academic Author

Program Type


Start Date and Time

12-11-2019 11:30 AM

End Date and Time

12-11-2019 12:30 PM


RT 401 (Michael Schwartz Library)

Program Description

What are your rights when it comes to using academic material that you have written yourself and published in a journal or academic text? What did the publishing contract you signed state about copyright? If you are among the many faculty who do not have confident answers to these questions, this workshop will help you examine how to manage your rights as an author going forward, as well as introduce you to the concept of Open Access and the library's institutional repository, EngagedScholarship.

Register (and get a box lunch) here: https://www.csuohio.edu/cfe/center-for-faculty-excellence-workshops

Cost to Attend?


Pre-registration Required?


This document is currently not available here.


Nov 12th, 11:30 AM Nov 12th, 12:30 PM

Managing Your Rights as an Academic Author

RT 401 (Michael Schwartz Library)

What are your rights when it comes to using academic material that you have written yourself and published in a journal or academic text? What did the publishing contract you signed state about copyright? If you are among the many faculty who do not have confident answers to these questions, this workshop will help you examine how to manage your rights as an author going forward, as well as introduce you to the concept of Open Access and the library's institutional repository, EngagedScholarship.

Register (and get a box lunch) here: https://www.csuohio.edu/cfe/center-for-faculty-excellence-workshops
