EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Pre-recorded Webinar: "Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field"

Pre-recorded Webinar: "Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field"

Program Type


Start Date and Time

27-10-2022 2:00 PM


Online. Can be viewed anytime.

Program Description

Pre-Recorded Webinar--"Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field"

Open Educational Resources (OER) are not usually a hard sell for students. But what about educators? How do they benefit from having access to resources that are licensed openly, and how can we, as librarians, guide faculty in adopting and adapting OER?

Streaming Media

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Oct 27th, 2:00 PM

Pre-recorded Webinar: "Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field"

Online. Can be viewed anytime.

Pre-Recorded Webinar--"Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field"

Open Educational Resources (OER) are not usually a hard sell for students. But what about educators? How do they benefit from having access to resources that are licensed openly, and how can we, as librarians, guide faculty in adopting and adapting OER?
