EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Reflections on Open Educational Resources: Joan Meggitt

Reflections on Open Educational Resources: Joan Meggitt

Author Biography

Joan Meggitt, Department of Theater and Dance

Program Type


Start Date and Time

24-10-2022 1:00 PM


Online. Can be viewed anytime.

Program Description

Joan Meggitt, a faculty participant in CSU's 2021 Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium (TASS), recorded a short video to describe her experiences using open educational resources (OERs) and to provide advice for other faculty considering doing the same. This video demonstrates the value of OERs for student achievement, as well as CSU faculty members' commitment to student success. Recorded Fall 2021.


If the video is not streaming below, please link to https://youtu.be/ingvrIMx8-s.

See related videos in the Library's Reflections on Open Educational Resources website.

Streaming Media

This document is currently not available here.


Oct 24th, 1:00 PM

Reflections on Open Educational Resources: Joan Meggitt

Online. Can be viewed anytime.

Joan Meggitt, a faculty participant in CSU's 2021 Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium (TASS), recorded a short video to describe her experiences using open educational resources (OERs) and to provide advice for other faculty considering doing the same. This video demonstrates the value of OERs for student achievement, as well as CSU faculty members' commitment to student success. Recorded Fall 2021.
