EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Panel: The Faculty Perspective: Adopting or Adapting Open Textbooks

Panel: The Faculty Perspective: Adopting or Adapting Open Textbooks

Author Biography

Dr. Lisa Bernd holds a PhD in Theater and Drama from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on the relationship between theatrical activity and communal identity. Her areas of specialization are: Theatre History, Dramatic Theory and Literature, Dramaturgy, Script Analysis, African American Theatre History, Feminism and Gender Construction in Performance, Nationalism and Theatre, Theatre and Communal Identity, Noh Literature and Performance Theory. She’s designed, developed, and taught both online and face-to-face courses in Theater. Her curriculum fulfills general education, diversity, and writing-across-the-curriculum requirements. She has a passion for trying out novel teaching methods and technology.

Dr. Kathy Curnow holds a PhD in African Art History and African Studies from Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research focuses on the 16th-century art of Nigeria's Benin Kingdom, and she is particularly interested in intersections of politics and art, hybrid art of border areas, and art and cognition, and has been a Smithsonian Senior Scholar, received an NEH grant, has had Fulbright awards to Nigeria, and a Fulbright seminar award to Brazil. She teaches courses in African and African American art history, as well as visual literacy and Philadelphia's architecture and planning. She is particularly interested in gamification in education and varied outputs for student research (game planning, documentary scripts, museum audio tours, map-based websites).

Melanie Gagich is an Assistant College Lecturer in the First-Year Writing Program at CSU and she has taught composition courses for ten years. She is also currently pursuing her PhD in Composition and TESOL from Indiana University of Pennsylvania during the summer. Her research areas include multimodal composition, digital rhetoric, and open access resources (OERs). She studies how instructors can use these practices, approaches, and resources to foster student success and engagement in first-year composition courses.

Heather Caprette, M.F.A. works as a Senior Media Developer/Instructional Designer for the Center for eLearning at Cleveland State University. Her interests are affordable learning initiatives and web accessibility. She is a certified online facilitator of Applying the Quality Matters Rubric, and has continued professional development with QM. She’s worked on the design and development of courses to meet Quality Matters standards, as well as the design and development of faculty and staff training in course design, accessible design and educational technology. Prior to this, she worked as an Online Course & Materials Developer, creating interactive educational multimedia and instructional websites for the Center for eLearning. Before coming to CSU in 2010, she worked for 5 years as an Online Instructional Course Design Specialist for Ohio Northern University's Office of Information Technology. She has also worked as a Web Designer for the Department of Radiology for 4 years prior to taking the position at Ohio Northern University. She holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Design from The Ohio State University, a certificate in Training and Development from Cleveland State University, and a certificate in Web Design from the Monte Ahuja College of Business Professional Development Center. She’s taught Introduction to Design at The Ohio State University during her graduate studies. She loves creative technology.

Program Type


Start Date and Time

5-3-2018 11:00 AM

End Date and Time

5-3-2018 12:00 PM


CSU C-M College of Law Moot Courtroom, LB 101


The webinar recording is presented in its entirety. To view this portion of the conference, click on "Link to Webinar" button found at the top right on this page and go to the desired time frame:

Introduction of Panel--Ben Richards: (01:20:15 - 01:21:33).

Panel talks:

  • Melanie Gagich (01:22:10 - 01:34:58);
  • Kathy Curnow (01:35:41 - 01:44:56);
  • Lisa Bernd (01:45:12 - 01:52:31);
  • Heather Caprette (01:52:34 - 02:00:09);
  • Audience Questions to Panel (2:00:13 - 02:14:11)

OpenCon 2018 Cleveland

Recorded 3/5/2018 9:45:00 AM

Duration: 3:25:53

Link to Recording


Event Location

Mar 5th, 11:00 AM Mar 5th, 12:00 PM

Panel: The Faculty Perspective: Adopting or Adapting Open Textbooks

CSU C-M College of Law Moot Courtroom, LB 101
