Birds of a Feather discussions

Presenter Information


Program Type

Birds of a Feather

Start Date and Time

5-3-2018 2:45 PM

End Date and Time

5-3-2018 3:30 PM


CSU C-M College--4 breakout sessions

Program Description

Birds of a Feather will be held in 4 separate meeting rooms. Topics include

  • Campus Collaborations--LB 205
  • Using OERs in the classroom--LB 206
  • Technology for OERs --LB 66
  • Finding Incentives for OER Adoption--LB 65


The webinar recording is presented in its entirety. To view this portion of the conference, click on "Link to Webinar" button found at the top right on this page and go to the desired time frame:

Introduction of "Birds of a Feather" discussions; Margaret Kiel-Morse:(03:11:43 - 03:13:50).

Reports from "Birds of a Feather" Discussions: Campus Collaborations (03:14:03 - 03:17:06); Finding Incentives for OER Adoption (03:17:11 - 03:21:05); Technology for OERs (03:21:17 - 03:25:26) [Reports done by participant from discussion group. After a few seconds, the Using OERs in the Classroom report was not recorded.]

OpenCon 2018 Cleveland

Recorded 3/5/2018 9:45:00 AM

Duration: 3:25:53

Link to Recording


Mar 5th, 2:45 PM Mar 5th, 3:30 PM

Birds of a Feather discussions

CSU C-M College--4 breakout sessions

Birds of a Feather will be held in 4 separate meeting rooms. Topics include

  • Campus Collaborations--LB 205
  • Using OERs in the classroom--LB 206
  • Technology for OERs --LB 66
  • Finding Incentives for OER Adoption--LB 65