Roundtable Discussions
Program Type
Start Date and Time
8-3-2019 3:00 PM
Moot Courtroom, Law Building
Program Description
4 Breakout session in the Law Building
The Roundtable portion of the event will begin in the Moot Courtroom at 3:00 pm. Presenters will briefly describe their topics (6). We will then break out into 6 different assigned rooms in the Law Library.
Streaming Media
Mar 8th, 3:00 PM
Roundtable Discussions
Moot Courtroom, Law Building
4 Breakout session in the Law Building
The Roundtable portion of the event will begin in the Moot Courtroom at 3:00 pm. Presenters will briefly describe their topics (6). We will then break out into 6 different assigned rooms in the Law Library.
Melanie Gagich, Associate College Lecturer, First Year Writing Program, provides the introduction to Six Roundtable discussion topics (sessions are not recorded): Digital Access: Engaging Students across the Digital Divide (Kessandra Jackson); An Instructional Designer's Toolkit (Kevin Dranuski); Open Assessments (Alexis Duffy and Michael Shiflet); Moving to Open (Steve Kaufman, Sheri Schulte, and Sean Kennedy); Inclusive Access Communication (Lindsey Mason); Faculty Challenges with Open Access (Natalie Weaver). The Roundtable Discussions were not recorded.
time frame: 00:00 - :00:00:24
Closed Captioning is available in the streaming video below. If this video is not streaming, please go to
The recording, including the slides, can be viewed if you click "Link to Recording" in the upper right side of this page.
OpenCon 2019 Cleveland
Recorded 3/8/2019