EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable Discussions

Presenter Information

various--see session details below

Program Type


Start Date and Time

8-3-2019 3:00 PM


Moot Courtroom, Law Building

Program Description

4 Breakout session in the Law Building

The Roundtable portion of the event will begin in the Moot Courtroom at 3:00 pm. Presenters will briefly describe their topics (6). We will then break out into 6 different assigned rooms in the Law Library.


Melanie Gagich, Associate College Lecturer, First Year Writing Program, provides the introduction to Six Roundtable discussion topics (sessions are not recorded): Digital Access: Engaging Students across the Digital Divide (Kessandra Jackson); An Instructional Designer's Toolkit (Kevin Dranuski); Open Assessments (Alexis Duffy and Michael Shiflet); Moving to Open (Steve Kaufman, Sheri Schulte, and Sean Kennedy); Inclusive Access Communication (Lindsey Mason); Faculty Challenges with Open Access (Natalie Weaver). The Roundtable Discussions were not recorded.

time frame: 00:00 - :00:00:24

Closed Captioning is available in the streaming video below. If this video is not streaming, please go to https://youtu.be/lanULYHrW8U.

The recording, including the slides, can be viewed if you click "Link to Recording" in the upper right side of this page.

OpenCon 2019 Cleveland

Recorded 3/8/2019

Streaming Media

Link to Recording


Mar 8th, 3:00 PM

Roundtable Discussions

Moot Courtroom, Law Building

4 Breakout session in the Law Building

The Roundtable portion of the event will begin in the Moot Courtroom at 3:00 pm. Presenters will briefly describe their topics (6). We will then break out into 6 different assigned rooms in the Law Library.
