EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Keynote Presentation: Building narratives and creating conversations of change and innovation

Keynote Presentation: Building narratives and creating conversations of change and innovation

Author Biography

Guowei Jian, Ph.D. is a professor and graduate director in the School of Communication, Cleveland State University. His specialty lies in the area of organizational communication and leadership. His most recent work examines the role of narrative and dialogue in producing leadership effects and organizational change. He has authored and co-authored over forty peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia articles. Many of his research studies appeared in leading communication journals, such as Communication Theory, Communication Research, Communication Monographs, and Management Communication Quarterly. He has served on the editorial board of several journals, including Human Relations, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Western Journal of Communication. In addition to his research work, Dr. Jian provides consulting and training services to organizations on the subject of organizational culture and communication.

Program Type

Keynote speaker

Start Date and Time

8-3-2019 9:45 AM

End Date and Time

8-3-2019 10:45 AM


Moot Courtroom, LB 101

Program Description

Keynote presentation: Building narratives and creating conversations of change and innovation: A reflection on the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER)


Welcome (Amanda M. Goodsett); Keynote speaker introduction (Benjamin C. Richards); Keynote: Building Narratives and Creating conversations of Change and Innovation (Guowei Jian)

time-frame: 00:00:00 - 1:00:55

Closed Captioning is available in the streaming video below. If this video is not streaming, please go to https://youtu.be/7tGxx_8idPM.

The recording, including the slides, can be viewed if you click "Link to Recording" in the upper right side of this page.

OpenCon 2019 Cleveland

Recorded 3/8/2019

Streaming Media

Link to Recording


Mar 8th, 9:45 AM Mar 8th, 10:45 AM

Keynote Presentation: Building narratives and creating conversations of change and innovation

Moot Courtroom, LB 101

Keynote presentation: Building narratives and creating conversations of change and innovation: A reflection on the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER)
