EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Reflecting on the Integration of an Open Access Textbook in First-Year Writing

Reflecting on the Integration of an Open Access Textbook in First-Year Writing

Author Biography

  • Melanie Gagich, Associate College Lecturer, Department of English, Cleveland State University
  • Emily Zickel, Assistant College Lecturer, Department of English, Cleveland State University

Melanie Gagich is an Associate College Lecturer in the First-Year Writing Program at CSU and she has taught composition courses for ten years. She is also currently a doctoral candidate in the Composition and Applied Linguistics Program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Her research areas include multimodal composition, digital rhetoric, and open access resources (OERs). She studies how instructors can use these practices, approaches, and resources to foster student success and engagement in first-year composition courses.

Emilie Zickel is an Assistant College Lecturer in First-Year Writing at Cleveland State University. She has been using OERs in her courses for over five years, has created her own remixed version of a Composition textbook, and, with Melanie Gagich, led a team of First-Year Writing faculty at CSU to create A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing, the open access rhetoric textbook currently used in all FYW courses at CSU. Beyond her work with OERs, she is an advocate for game-based learning and hybrid-learning pedagogy in "Gateway" courses.

Program Type


Start Date and Time

8-3-2019 2:00 PM

End Date and Time

8-3-2019 2:45 PM


Moot Courtroom, LB 101


Reflecting on the Integration of an Open Access Textbook in First-Year Writing (Melanie Gagich and Emily Zickel). Includes Introduction by Barbara Loomis, Publications and Programs Administrator.

time frame: 00:44:57 - 1:15:29

Closed Captioning is available in the streaming video below. If this video is not streaming, please go to https://youtu.be/9hRLQazc7qM.

The recording, including the slides, can be viewed if you click "Link to Recording" in the upper right side of this page.

OpenCon 2019 Cleveland

Recorded 3/8/2019

Streaming Media

Link to Recording


Mar 8th, 2:00 PM Mar 8th, 2:45 PM

Reflecting on the Integration of an Open Access Textbook in First-Year Writing

Moot Courtroom, LB 101
