Event Title
EXHIBIT: SLAM: Chapbooks as Bursts of Poetry (Month-Long)
Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library
Event Website
Start Date
9-30-2013 7:30 AM
End Date
10-31-2013 10:00 PM
Cost to Attend
Pre-registration required?
Event Type
In the world of modern poetry, chapbooks took flight as a vehicle for emerging poets, most notably the American Beat poets, to express their creativity in both literary and visual form. Poetry chapbooks allowed talented poets, who may have otherwise been overlooked, to reach wider audiences and promote their innovative work. Chapbooks were eventually recognized as the medium for experimental poets who pushed the boundaries and challenged conventional form with provocative verse and artistic paper productions.
Chapbooks continue to play a vital role in today’s poetry community as a means for new poets to share their prose without the limitations imposed by mainstream publishers. Chapbooks were traditionally crafted from inexpensive paper and cardstock and then stapled or hand stitched. Over time and with advances in technology, the production of chapbooks has evolved and offers numerous options for publication, including online chapbooks. The Michael Schwartz Library will display examples of chapbooks from its collection to celebrate these bursts of creativity as both literary works and lovingly crafted paper and book art. Items in the display collection date from the early 1960s through present day.
Exhibit open during Library hours
EXHIBIT: SLAM: Chapbooks as Bursts of Poetry (Month-Long)
Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library
In the world of modern poetry, chapbooks took flight as a vehicle for emerging poets, most notably the American Beat poets, to express their creativity in both literary and visual form. Poetry chapbooks allowed talented poets, who may have otherwise been overlooked, to reach wider audiences and promote their innovative work. Chapbooks were eventually recognized as the medium for experimental poets who pushed the boundaries and challenged conventional form with provocative verse and artistic paper productions.
Chapbooks continue to play a vital role in today’s poetry community as a means for new poets to share their prose without the limitations imposed by mainstream publishers. Chapbooks were traditionally crafted from inexpensive paper and cardstock and then stapled or hand stitched. Over time and with advances in technology, the production of chapbooks has evolved and offers numerous options for publication, including online chapbooks. The Michael Schwartz Library will display examples of chapbooks from its collection to celebrate these bursts of creativity as both literary works and lovingly crafted paper and book art. Items in the display collection date from the early 1960s through present day.
Exhibit open during Library hours