EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: Street Stories Workshop--Carnegie West Branch, Cleveland Public Library

Event Title

Street Stories Workshop--Carnegie West Branch, Cleveland Public Library


Carnegie West Branch, 1900 Fulton Rd., Cleveland, OH 44113

Event Website


Start Date

10-17-2013 1:00 PM

End Date

10-17-2013 2:30 PM

Cost to Attend


Pre-registration required?


Event Type

Opening/Open House, Reception, Lecture, Exhibit, Tour, Class/Workshop/Demonstration, Children's Event, Other


Street Stories Workshops
Bookmaking workshops with Art Books Cleveland artist Melissa O'Grady: Create your own book arts box of various book forms on the theme of "Building Stories," the 2012 graphic novel by American cartoonist Chris Ware. Create several unconventional pieces including an accordion fold book, fortune-telling book, and graphic paper dolls.

Carnegie West Branch
Cleveland Public Library
1900 Fulton Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone: 216.623.6927

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Event Location

Oct 17th, 1:00 PM Oct 17th, 2:30 PM

Street Stories Workshop--Carnegie West Branch, Cleveland Public Library

Carnegie West Branch, 1900 Fulton Rd., Cleveland, OH 44113

Street Stories Workshops
Bookmaking workshops with Art Books Cleveland artist Melissa O'Grady: Create your own book arts box of various book forms on the theme of "Building Stories," the 2012 graphic novel by American cartoonist Chris Ware. Create several unconventional pieces including an accordion fold book, fortune-telling book, and graphic paper dolls.

Carnegie West Branch
Cleveland Public Library
1900 Fulton Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone: 216.623.6927

