EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: Miniature Book Society Traveling Exhibit and Lecture by Todd Sommerfeld

Event Title

Miniature Book Society Traveling Exhibit and Lecture by Todd Sommerfeld


Ohio Center for the Book, Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114: Phone 216.623.2881

Start Date

10-18-2014 12:00 PM

End Date

10-18-2014 2:00 PM

Cost to Attend


Pre-registration required?


Event Type

Exhibit, Lecture, Other, Reception


*Miniature Book Society Traveling Exhibit and Lecture by Todd Sommerfeld Hands-on discussion and presentation of miniature books by Northern Ohio Bibliophilic Society and the Miniature Book Society.

Tuesday, October 18 * 12:00 p.m. Literature 2nd Floor Sponsored by the Miniature Book Society and NOBS and Sponsored by Ohio Center for the Book @ Cleveland Public Library.

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Event Location

Oct 18th, 12:00 PM Oct 18th, 2:00 PM

Miniature Book Society Traveling Exhibit and Lecture by Todd Sommerfeld

Ohio Center for the Book, Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114: Phone 216.623.2881

*Miniature Book Society Traveling Exhibit and Lecture by Todd Sommerfeld Hands-on discussion and presentation of miniature books by Northern Ohio Bibliophilic Society and the Miniature Book Society.

Tuesday, October 18 * 12:00 p.m. Literature 2nd Floor Sponsored by the Miniature Book Society and NOBS and Sponsored by Ohio Center for the Book @ Cleveland Public Library.
