Event Title
EXHIBIT: Urban Gardens: Feeding Cleveland Then and Now
Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library
Event Website
Start Date
9-28-2015 7:30 AM
End Date
11-8-2015 10:00 PM
Cost to Attend
Free and open to the public
Pre-registration required?
Event Type
From the early working men’s farms to the market gardens of today, Cleveland has a rich history of bringing communities together to grow their own food. How fitting that this year’s Octavofest theme is “In the Garden.”
The Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program began in 1904 and flourished as a system-wide school and home garden education program until its elimination in 1978, due to budget constraints. Today, some of the former school-centered "tract" gardens continue to grow as community gardens.
Photographs, artifacts, and other materials pertaining to Cleveland’s urban gardens from Special Collections will be on display in the Michael Schwartz Library. Visit the Feeding Cleveland: Urban Agriculture web exhibit to learn more about Cleveland’s urban agricultural history. A wealth of information can also be found on the Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program web exhibit.
The web exhibits are curated for the Library’s Cleveland Memory Project by Special Collections volunteer Carolyn L. Hufford, M.L.I.S.
The exhibit is free and open to the public during Library Hours.
EXHIBIT: Urban Gardens: Feeding Cleveland Then and Now
Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library
From the early working men’s farms to the market gardens of today, Cleveland has a rich history of bringing communities together to grow their own food. How fitting that this year’s Octavofest theme is “In the Garden.”
The Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program began in 1904 and flourished as a system-wide school and home garden education program until its elimination in 1978, due to budget constraints. Today, some of the former school-centered "tract" gardens continue to grow as community gardens.
Photographs, artifacts, and other materials pertaining to Cleveland’s urban gardens from Special Collections will be on display in the Michael Schwartz Library. Visit the Feeding Cleveland: Urban Agriculture web exhibit to learn more about Cleveland’s urban agricultural history. A wealth of information can also be found on the Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program web exhibit.
The web exhibits are curated for the Library’s Cleveland Memory Project by Special Collections volunteer Carolyn L. Hufford, M.L.I.S.
The exhibit is free and open to the public during Library Hours.