EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: Zine Making Workshop

Event Title

Zine Making Workshop


Cleveland Digital Public Library, 3rd Floor Main Bldg.

Start Date

10-24-2015 2:00 PM

End Date

10-24-2015 4:00 PM

Pre-registration required?


Event Type



Zine Creation Talk and Zine Making Workshop

Join us on the first and fourth Saturday of October for Cleveland Digital Library’s Zine making talk and workshop. Working with Dr. Lyz Bly our first class will go over the politics and theories of making your own zine and what it means in today’s digital culture. Then join us again on the 24th to get down to business and start making your own personal zine.

Lyz Bly (Ph.D.) the co-founder of the Guide to Kulchur book store in Gordon Square, which is known for its independent press and home of the Cleveland Zine Archive. She is also the editor of Make Your Own History: Documenting Feminist and Queer Activism. Bly is a part time instructor in Women’s studies at Cleveland State and a teacher at the Laurel School in history

Zines are small circulation, self-published, work of art. They can be completely original new publication or cut and pasted photos and texts that have been re purposed. They can also be a little bit of both. What really matters is that the zine shows who the artist is and what they believe in. Formed by punk and DIY ethos, zines are a popular small run way of expressing yourself. Topics covered can be broad, including anything from fan fiction to politics, social theory to art and design.

Bly will be speaking about Zines in the Digital library Learning Commons on October 3rd at 2-4 pm

She will also provide a supplementary Zine Making Workshop in the Art lab on October 24th at 2-4 pm

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Oct 24th, 2:00 PM Oct 24th, 4:00 PM

Zine Making Workshop

Cleveland Digital Public Library, 3rd Floor Main Bldg.

Zine Creation Talk and Zine Making Workshop

Join us on the first and fourth Saturday of October for Cleveland Digital Library’s Zine making talk and workshop. Working with Dr. Lyz Bly our first class will go over the politics and theories of making your own zine and what it means in today’s digital culture. Then join us again on the 24th to get down to business and start making your own personal zine.

Lyz Bly (Ph.D.) the co-founder of the Guide to Kulchur book store in Gordon Square, which is known for its independent press and home of the Cleveland Zine Archive. She is also the editor of Make Your Own History: Documenting Feminist and Queer Activism. Bly is a part time instructor in Women’s studies at Cleveland State and a teacher at the Laurel School in history

Zines are small circulation, self-published, work of art. They can be completely original new publication or cut and pasted photos and texts that have been re purposed. They can also be a little bit of both. What really matters is that the zine shows who the artist is and what they believe in. Formed by punk and DIY ethos, zines are a popular small run way of expressing yourself. Topics covered can be broad, including anything from fan fiction to politics, social theory to art and design.

Bly will be speaking about Zines in the Digital library Learning Commons on October 3rd at 2-4 pm

She will also provide a supplementary Zine Making Workshop in the Art lab on October 24th at 2-4 pm
