EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: Scrapbook Preservation: Preserving the Old, Creating the New


Cleveland Digital Public Library, 3rd Floor Main Bldg., Treasure Room

Start Date

10-8-2016 1:00 PM

End Date

10-8-2016 3:00 PM

Cost to Attend


Pre-registration required?


Contact Information (for registration)

For information call the Literature Department and Ohio Center for the Book @ Cleveland Public Library

Event Type

Lecture, Class/Workshop/Demonstration, Other


Learn how to stabilize, store, and insure years of use for your scrapbooks. A brief history of scrapbooking, problems and solutions for older scrapbooks and tips for creating new books using archival materials.


Oct 8th, 1:00 PM Oct 8th, 3:00 PM

Scrapbook Preservation: Preserving the Old, Creating the New

Cleveland Digital Public Library, 3rd Floor Main Bldg., Treasure Room

Learn how to stabilize, store, and insure years of use for your scrapbooks. A brief history of scrapbooking, problems and solutions for older scrapbooks and tips for creating new books using archival materials.
