EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: Inner Muse Book Artist Luncheon, Program, and Exhibit

Event Title

Inner Muse Book Artist Luncheon, Program, and Exhibit


Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County

Event Website


Start Date

10-27-2017 12:15 PM

End Date

10-27-2017 1:45 PM

Cost to Attend

Free - registration required

Pre-registration required?


Contact Information (for registration)

Attendance at this event is by invitation.

Event Type

Reception, Class/Workshop/Demonstration


Maple Heights high school students participating in the Inner Muse program will exhibit their handmade books and discuss this interdisciplinary educational program during a luncheon and presentation for invited guests. The Inner Muse project provides opportunities for students to explore the cultural organizations within Northeast Ohio and to record their experiences in personalized handmade books. A special guest will be Octavofest 2017 keynote presenter and book artist, Emily Martin. Students' handmade books are exhibited during Fall 2017 at the ESC of Cuyahoga County.

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Oct 27th, 12:15 PM Oct 27th, 1:45 PM

Inner Muse Book Artist Luncheon, Program, and Exhibit

Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County

Maple Heights high school students participating in the Inner Muse program will exhibit their handmade books and discuss this interdisciplinary educational program during a luncheon and presentation for invited guests. The Inner Muse project provides opportunities for students to explore the cultural organizations within Northeast Ohio and to record their experiences in personalized handmade books. A special guest will be Octavofest 2017 keynote presenter and book artist, Emily Martin. Students' handmade books are exhibited during Fall 2017 at the ESC of Cuyahoga County.

