EngagedScholarship@CSU - Octavofest: National Novel Writing Month Prep

Event Title

National Novel Writing Month Prep

Presenter Information

Evone Jeffries


Cleveland Public Library, Ohio Center for the Book, Main Library - 325 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114

Start Date

10-21-2017 3:00 PM

End Date

10-21-2017 5:00 PM

Cost to Attend


Pre-registration required?


Event Type



November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and for many people it means writing, writing, and more writing, until they have written 50,000 words of a novel by the end of November. Now in its 19th year, NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write a new/original work in 30 days--between 12:00 a.m. November 1 and 11:59 p.m. November 30. It's a fly by the seat of your pants way of creative writing; however this writing marathon is also the perfect challenge for those who want to jump start a novel.

Join us in the Literature Department (Main Library, 2nd Floor) Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 3:00, for NaNoWriMo Prep. Learn everything you need to know to get started. Participants will receive (while supplies lasts) a writing survival kit to help them stay inspired and motivated to the very end.

To learn more about NaNoWriMo, go to www.nanowrimo.org. Signing up is optional; you don't need to create an account to participate.

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Event Location

Oct 21st, 3:00 PM Oct 21st, 5:00 PM

National Novel Writing Month Prep

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio Center for the Book, Main Library - 325 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and for many people it means writing, writing, and more writing, until they have written 50,000 words of a novel by the end of November. Now in its 19th year, NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write a new/original work in 30 days--between 12:00 a.m. November 1 and 11:59 p.m. November 30. It's a fly by the seat of your pants way of creative writing; however this writing marathon is also the perfect challenge for those who want to jump start a novel.

Join us in the Literature Department (Main Library, 2nd Floor) Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 3:00, for NaNoWriMo Prep. Learn everything you need to know to get started. Participants will receive (while supplies lasts) a writing survival kit to help them stay inspired and motivated to the very end.

To learn more about NaNoWriMo, go to www.nanowrimo.org. Signing up is optional; you don't need to create an account to participate.
