Event Title
Paste Paper: Owning the Mark
Morgan Conservatory, Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation, 1754 E 47th St, 44103
Event Website
Start Date
6-30-2018 10:00 AM
End Date
7-1-2018 4:00 PM
Cost to Attend
Pre-registration required?
Contact Information (for registration)
Registration and additional workshop information at http://www.morganconservatory.org/workshops-by-category
Event Type
Investigate the myriad of possibilities inherent in the materials and techniques used in the creation of paste papers.
10 am - 4 pm each day
Paste Paper: Owning the Mark
Morgan Conservatory, Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation, 1754 E 47th St, 44103
Investigate the myriad of possibilities inherent in the materials and techniques used in the creation of paste papers.
10 am - 4 pm each day