Event Title
Please Touch!: The Association of University Presses 2018 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
Project Gallery at the Myers School of Art
Start Date
11-16-2018 12:00 AM
End Date
11-28-2018 12:00 AM
Cost to Attend
Pre-registration required?
Event Type
Please Touch!: The Association of University Presses 2018 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show will be in the Project Gallery at the Myers School of Art from November 16-28. This interactive exhibit is co-sponsored by UA Press and the Myers School of Art.
Since 1965, the Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show has fulfilled its mission to "honor and instruct": honoring the design and production teams whose work furthers a long tradition of excellence in book design, and—through a traveling exhibit and acclaimed annual catalog of selected entries—visually teaching the tenets of good design.
The Book, Jacket, and Journal Show is a juried design competition, open only to Association of University Presses member publishers. Every autumn the call-for-entries is distributed, and each January, the jurors gather in the Association of University Presses's New York offices to examine hundreds of submissions and select the very best examples of book, journal, and cover designs. Jurors are esteemed interior and cover designers appointed by the annual show committee.
Please Touch!: The Association of University Presses 2018 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
Project Gallery at the Myers School of Art
Please Touch!: The Association of University Presses 2018 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show will be in the Project Gallery at the Myers School of Art from November 16-28. This interactive exhibit is co-sponsored by UA Press and the Myers School of Art.
Since 1965, the Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show has fulfilled its mission to "honor and instruct": honoring the design and production teams whose work furthers a long tradition of excellence in book design, and—through a traveling exhibit and acclaimed annual catalog of selected entries—visually teaching the tenets of good design.
The Book, Jacket, and Journal Show is a juried design competition, open only to Association of University Presses member publishers. Every autumn the call-for-entries is distributed, and each January, the jurors gather in the Association of University Presses's New York offices to examine hundreds of submissions and select the very best examples of book, journal, and cover designs. Jurors are esteemed interior and cover designers appointed by the annual show committee.