"Addressing mental health for veterans with spinal cord injury" by Colleen Bentler



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Committee Members

Lauryn Wasil, OTR/L; Dr. Sheena Balolong-Publico, PhD., Dr. Barbara Miliken, Ed.D., OTR/L, CVW, Karen Keptner PhD, OTR/L


This capstone was completed at the Cleveland VA Medical Center and included the development and implementation of a 6-week mental health program for veterans with spinal cord injuries. The program provided veterans with resources and positive coping strategies to improve mental health, while providing therapists with evidence-based interventions to address inpatient veteran well-being. Implications of this project outline the benefits to providing group-based interventions to address mental health concerns and the importance of destigmatizing access to mental health services within the veteran population.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Spring 2023


"occupational therapy", "mental health", "spinal cord injury", "SCI", "veteran", "coping strategies"


Occupational Therapy

Addressing mental health for veterans with spinal cord injury
