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Committee Members

Susan Levy Wayne, M.Ed., OTR/L, Barbara Milliken Ed. D., OTR/L, CVW, and Beth Ekelman, PhD, JD, OTR/L


Occupational therapists have the opportunity to develop programming for inmates to increase skills and engagement in meaningful leisure activities, and to help inmates successfully reintegrate into the community. Through the collection of data from my needs assessment, I created a 12-leisure program outline to educate the women on types of leisure and how leisure participation can be impacted by different barriers, with the ability to participate in a variety of leisure activities. Also, I created a Community Resource Guide that will allow the women to have access to resources in their community upon release to become stable and independent.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Spring 2024


incarceration, leisure, resources, women


Occupational Therapy

Northeast Reintegration Center Leisure Program
