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Committee Members

Beth Ekelman, Monica Van Niel, Kelle Foust


Background: The capstone project aims to enhance upper extremity rehabilitation in underserved communities by creating educational resources for practitioners on mobile app usage. Methods: Conducted interviews with a hand therapist, and conducted a literature review on mobile app usage for lower SES hand therapy patients. Results: Developed educational materials and implemented mobile apps to improve therapy accessibility and outcomes, showing promise in engaging lower SES patients. Challenges include digital literacy, smartphone access, and data security concerns. Conclusions: Mobile apps can aid hand therapy accessibility, but addressing digital literacy and smartphone access is vital. Collaboration is crucial for user-friendly app design and sustained engagement.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Spring 2024


AI, socioeconomic status, mobile app, technology, hand therapy, upper extremity, occupational therapy, digital literacy, rehabilitation, education


Occupational Therapy

AI and Mobile App Utilization for Hand Therapy among Patients with Lower Socioeconomic Status
