"Implementing a Health and Nutrition Program in Schools to Promote Heal" by Justine Anderson



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Committee Members

Karen Keptner, Kristen Pataki, Mackenzie Lamar


y program aims to address obesity by educating faculty, children, and parents on proper nutrition and exercise to provide kids with the resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Students participated in groups incorporating fun ways to exercise, learning about food groups, creating food crafts with healthy foods, then trying those foods at their leisure. The idea is to expose them to new and/or healthier foods to expand their options for a healthier diet. Resources were also sent home for parents to give them fun activities to do at home that will continue developing their child’s knowledge and expand their palate.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Spring 2023


child obesity, health and nutrition, obesity prevention, school program, physical activity, lifestyle changes, healthy eating, weight management, diet and exercise, occupational therapy


Occupational Therapy

Implementing a Health and Nutrition Program in Schools to Promote Healthy Lifestyle Choices
