Warning: This website contains graphic images such as autopsy and crime scene photos, which some may find disturbing.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0020: 1988 Bay Village Police Report re: Eberling
James R. Tompkins
Police report concerning Richard Eberling's previous statements to the police that he had stolen a ring belonging to Marilyn Sheppard, and he had left blood in the Sheppard home when he cut himself washing the Sheppards' windows.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0022: Eberling Statement
Cleveland Police Department
Richard Eberling's statement to the police that he had stolen a ring belonging to Marilyn Sheppard, and he had left blood in the Sheppard home when he cut himself washing the Sheppards' windows.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0043: Paul Leland Kirk Affidavit
Paul L. Kirk
Dr. Paul Leeland Kirk, professor of Criminalistics, stated in his affidavit that he examined the crime scene, various pieces of evidence held by the prosecutor and police, and blood samples collected and mailed to him. His investigation began on January 22, 1955 and continued for several months. Dr. Kirk used blood spatter analysis to conclude that: 1. The murderer was left-handed (Sam Sheppard was right-handed) 2. From injuries to the victim's teeth, the victim had bitten the attacker's hand 3. A large bloodstain on the wardrobe door was likely from the attacker's bloody hand 4. Testing of the large blood stain showed it did not match that of Sam or Marilyn Sheppard, so the attacker must have been a third person 5. The murder weapon was a cylindrical object, such as a pipe or flashlight--not a a surgical instrument, as asserted by the Coroner Dr. Kirk surmised that the physical evidence demonstrated that the crime was a sexual assault.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0050: Stephen Sheppard Letter to Eberling - description of Sheppard home
Stephen Sheppard and Richard Eberling
Stephen Sheppard's letter to Eberling requesting Eberling to draw a diagram of Sam Sheppard's home as Eberling remembered it in 1954. Attached is Eberling's diagram of the Sheppard home sent in response.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0054: Richard & Betty Knitter Witness Statement
Patrolman Richard Adler
Richard & Betty Knitter's description of the bushy haired man they saw near the Sheppard home on the morning of July 4, 1954.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0059: Autopsy Report - Marilyn Sheppard
Samuel R. Gerber
Marilyn Sheppard autopsy report performed and written by Dr. Gerber in 1954
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0072: Green Bag Containing Watch, Keys, and Ring
Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0080: Dombrowski Report
Henry E. Dombrowski
Detective Dombrowski's report concerning blood spots found in the Sheppard home.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0091: Trace Evidence Report re: Marilyn Sheppard
Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office
Report of experiments and specimen testing performed at the Cuyahoga County Coroner's Laboratories. Also describes testing done by Coroner and Cleveland police staff at Sheppard home, over the course of several days.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0108: Report to Gerber re: t-shirt found 7/14/1954
Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office
Sam did not have on a t-shirt on when police arrived on the scene after the murder of Marilyn. This report concerns testing done on a man's t-shirt found east of Schuele's pier about 20 feet from shore on July 14, 1954.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0110A: Bay Village Chief Eaton Report re: Flashlight
John P. Eaton
Police report regarding flashlight found by Karl Schuele in 1955.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0112: Bay Village Police Report by DuPerow re: Eberling
Ronald B. Duperow
Police report concerning larcenies committed by Richard Eberling, including a list of items recovered from Eberling. Statements made by Eberling to police are detailed, including Eberling's statement that he cut his hand at the Sheppard home four days prior to the murder. A lie detector test for Eberling is mentioned -- read about the test given to Eberling here http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/sheppard_police_later/7/
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0120: Statement of J. Spencer Houk
Bay Village Police Department
J. Spencer Houk recounted to Bay Village Police what happened on the morning of July 4, 1954. He stated that Sam Sheppard called him and said "Spen, my God, get over here quick, I think they've killed Marilyn." When he arrived he saw Marilyn Sheppard, apparently deceased. He noted that Sam had injuries and that his desk drawers were strewn over the floor.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0122: Statement of Don Ahern
Bay Village Police Department
Don Ahern stated that he and his wife had cocktails at their house with the Sheppards before going to the Sheppard house for dinner. The children went to bed around 10:30, and the adults watched a movie. Sam fell asleep on the daybed / studio couch. The Aherns left after the movie. The next morning, J. Spencer Houk called and told them of Marilyn's murder. The statement also includes questions regarding Marilyn's and Sam's clothing the night before.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0126: Statement of Esther Houk
Bay Village Police Department
Esther Houk stated that the phone woke her up and her husband, J. Spencer Houk, told her that they had to get going because something had happened at the Sheppard home. When they arrived, she noticed that Sam's medical bag was overturned in the hall. She offered Sam some whiskey, and he declined. She went upstairs to check on Marilyn and noticed that she was very bloodied with lacerations on her head and that her stomach looked blue. She could not find a pulse. After the ambulance and Dr. Richard N. Sheppard (Sam's brother) arrived, she went to check on Chip and found him asleep in his room. She and Richard tried to wake him up to get him dressed and out of the house. Richard took Chip to his house, while Stephen Sheppard took Sam to the hospital. Esther Houk stated that Sam was wearing light cord pants and that she saw water spots on the stairs. She also stated that the desk drawers in the living room were all pulled out.
Plaintiff's Exhibit 0127: Statement of Lester Hoversten
Bay Village Police Department
Dr. Lester Hoversten, a friend of Sam's who had been staying at the Sheppard home, stated that he first met Sam in medical school. He stayed with the Sheppards during a residency at Bay View Hospital from July 1953 to October 1953. During this time, he did not notice any friction between Sam and Marilyn. He arrived at the Sheppard home on July 1. His colleague, Dr. Robert Stevenson, invited him to visit his home in Kent on the night of July 3, which he did. He did not learn of the murder until the afternoon of July 4 when Chief Eaton called Stevenson's home and asked that Hoversten return immediately. Upon returning to the Sheppard home, Hoversten verified that his belongings were as he left them and that nothing had been disturbed.