CFE Reflection in Action Series | Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning | Cleveland State University

The CFE Reflection in Action Series is a collaborative project between the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) and the Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (CITDL) to historically document how our faculty have transitioned to remote teaching. College and university instructors around the world are part of an unprecedented moment in higher education. To continue the education of millions, faculty members have quickly transitioned to remote learning. This shift in instructional delivery has called upon many to adopt new teaching strategies and tools as well as produce creative course adaptations to meet the needs of students. The insights gained about teaching and learning during this shift will be long reflected upon.

The audio files on this site are the reflections of Cleveland State University instructors. They are recorded, in action, having recently made the transition to remote teaching.

Contributors were asked to reflect upon and answer five questions.

  • What were/are the most challenging parts of the transition?
  • What were/are the most common needs expressed by your students?
  • What new teaching techniques and/or tools has the switch to remote teaching prompted you to try?
  • What new insights have you gained about teaching in general?
  • How might this experience change your teaching when you return to the classroom?

The first round of audio reflections were recorded in April and May of 2020. Our goal is to add more. If you are interested in sharing your experiences and insights about transitioning to remote teaching, your reflection would be a welcomed addition to this collection. Please email Chris Rennison at to learn more about participating in the CFE Reflection in Action Series.


Submissions from 2020

Katie Clonan-Roy - Audio Reflection, Katie Clonan-Roy

Manuella Crawley - Audio Reflection, Manuella Crawley

Francis Dorsey - Audio Reflection, Francis Dorsey

Maria Gigante - Audio Reflection, Maria Gigante

Karla Hamlen-Mansour - Audio Reflection, Karla R. Hamlen-Mansour

Mike Horvath - Audio Reflection, Michael Horvath

Elliott Ingersoll - Audio Reflection, Elliott Ingersoll

Sherrae Mack - Audio Reflection, Sherrae M. Mack

William Matcham - Audio Reflection, William Matcham

Shereen Naser - Audio Reflection, Shereen Naser PhD

Toni Nicoletti - Audio Reflection, Toni Nicoletti

Shelley Rose - Audio Reflection, Shelley Rose

Emilie Zickel - Audio Reflection, Emilie Zickel