Document Type

Web Page

Publication Date



The Symposium was held on October 30, 2009. The attached web page gave access to video recordings of the symposium, handouts and a bibliography of LGBT Rights links and books, from this site.

Symposium Video is accessible from this link

The Program was presented by: The Cleveland State University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, CSU Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, CSU Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services, the Cleveland-Marshall Allies student organization and the Ohio ACLU.

lgbt.htm (19 kB)
html version of the lgbt symposium website

CLE Materials Final-2.doc (317 kB)
CLE materials packet for the LGBT Symposium

CLE DPApplication 5-7-09.pdf (27 kB)
Cleveland Declaration of Domestic Partnership Form

HRC Parenting maps.pdf (165 kB)
Human Rights Campaign Second Parent Adoption Map 2009

HRC Marriage and Rel Map.pdf (81 kB)
Human Rights Campaign Marriage Equality/Relationship Recognition Map 2009

HRC Marriage prohibition map.pdf (72 kB)
Human Rights Campaign Marriage Prohibition Map 2009

HRC Employment law map.pdf (83 kB)
Human Rights Campaign LGBT Employment Map 2009

LtrToLouisvilleHighSchool2009_0421.pdf (357 kB)
ACLU Letter to Louisville HS on Same-Sex Couple attending Prom

LGBT Symposium Research Resources _ Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.pdf (108 kB)
LGBT Symposium Research Resources

LGBT Symposium Speaker Biographies _ Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.pdf (97 kB)
