"2011 Scholars and Artists Bibliography" by Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University, Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library et al.

Scholars and Artists Bibliographies

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This bibliography was created for the annual Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library Scholars and Artists Reception, recognizing scholarly and creative achievements of Cleveland State University faculty, staff and emeriti. Mark Tebeau was the guest speaker


Mobile History: Teaching & Learning in the Age of Mobile Computing

Professor Tebeau will explore how digital innovation, particularly the paradigmatic shift toward mobile computing, is remaking society. The breakneck pace and enormous scale of the technological transformation pose great challenges but also offer intriguing new possibilities for educators at both universities and K-12 settings. Using the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities" innovative mobile application Cleveland Historical, and its larger initiative Mobile Historical, as case studies, Professor Tebeau will explore how technological innovation can transfrom urban landscapes, museums, and schools into living laboratories for research, teaching, and learning.

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