New Perspectives on Space Law Proceedings of the 53rd IISL Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Young Scholars Sessions
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Contains the papers of the participants in the Young Scholars Session of the 53rd Annual Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held in 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic, edited by Mark J. Sundahl and V. Gopalakrishnan. Papers include:
Concise History of Space Law; Life and Work of Professor Vladimir Mandl -- A Pioneer of Space Law; Early Writings in German of the Young Discipline of Space Law; Commercial Exploitation of Outer Space and Celestial Bodies; Potential Uniform International Legal Framework for Regulation of Private Space Activities; Prospects for Legal Use and Water Rights on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies; Current Status and Recent Developments of the Non-Discriminatory Principle in the 1986 UN Principles on Remote Sensing; Legal Pluralism in Outer Space; Space and Lisbon. A New Type of Competence to Shape the Regulatory Framework for Commercial Space Activities; Forum-Selection Clauses in Suborbital Space Tourism Contracts and EU Law; Rethinking Responsibility in the Law of Outer Space; One Man's Space Junk is Another Man's Archaeological Treasure; Recalibrating the Moon Treaty to the Domain of Development; Legal Framework of Satellite Positioning with Particular Reference to Privacy; Legal Aspects of Regional Space Cooperation in Latin America
Publication Date
Paris International Institute of Space Law
Paris, France
outer space, space law, space debris, space tourism, water rights, moon, moon treaty, satellite, privacy
Air and Space Law
Recommended Citation
Sundahl, Mark J. and Gopalakrishnan, V., "New Perspectives on Space Law Proceedings of the 53rd IISL Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Young Scholars Sessions" (2011). Scholarship Collection. 131.