Advanced Legal Research: A Context and Practice Textbook
This innovative textbook is designed to focus student learning on the process of legal research in addition to the best use of specific resources. Students are encouraged to think analytically about how they approach research and are presented with a variety of techniques for planning, conducting, assessing, and synthesizing their research. Multiple techniques, including exercises and visual aids are used to engage a variety of learning styles and provide multiple kinds of assessment. Case and statute research as well as the use of a variety of secondary and practice materials are covered in addition to legislative history, administrative law, legal ethics, foreign and international law and other specialized topics. Students are also presented with a variety of techniques and sources for conducting cost-conscious research. Throughout the textbook students are provided with opportunities for self-assessment of their learning, as well as questions that can be used as class assignments.
Publication Date
Carolina Academic Press
Durham, NC
law, research, legal research
Legal Writing and Research
Recommended Citation
Niedringhaus, Kristina L., "Advanced Legal Research: A Context and Practice Textbook" (2010). Scholarship Collection. 68.
Teacher's Manual Forthcoming 2012