Housing and Community Development: Cases and Materials. 4th ed.
The fourth edition of Housing and Community Development presents a fresh and comprehensive look at housing law and policy with full coverage of the foreclosure crisis and its aftermath, exploring housing policies and neighborhood revitalization policies to address the new urban reality. It also discusses the issue of sustainability and the relationship between community development, housing, and climate change. The book contains materials covering housing policy and litigation; tenants' rights in the private and public spheres; urban redevelopment, including a comprehensive look at Kelo v. New London, including its setting and aftermath; and a completely revised section of the book on neighborhood revitalization and investment. The materials on fair housing and discrimination reflect many recent debates, including school desegregation, affirmative action, subprime and other variations of predatory lending, and other issues touching on race, class, disability, and familial bias.
Publication Date
Carolina Academic Press
Durham, NC
Social and Behavioral Sciences | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Keating, WM Dennis; Kushner, James A.; Daye, Charles E.; Salsich, Peter W. Jr; McGee, Henry W. Jr; Bezdek, Barbara L.; Hetzel, Otto J.; Mandelker, Daniel R.; and Washburn, Robert M., "Housing and Community Development: Cases and Materials. 4th ed." (2011). Scholarship Collection. 96.