"Sheppard v. Maxwell Revisited -- Do the Traditional Rules Work for Non" by Gary A. Hengstler


Sheppard v. Maxwell Revisited -- Do the Traditional Rules Work for Non-Traditional Media?

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Sheppard v. Maxwell, Cleveland Press


This article appeared in The Court of Public Opinion: The Practice and Ethics of Trying Cases in the Media, an issue of Law and Contemporary Problems which examine the complicated, sometimes conflicting, constitutional, ethical, and practical considerations that can arise when a case draws the attention of the public and the media. Attorney and Professor Gary A. Hengstler grew up in a small town in Ohio and, as a boy of seven, can remember his family and friends being transfixed with the 1954 murder and trial. Here, Hengsler asks if the suggestions to control publicity that the Court made in Sheppard v. Maxwell are still effective, given the changes that have occurred in media.
