Student Scholarship | Student Scholarship | Cleveland State University


Submissions from 2023


Probing the Communication World of Social Media Influencers and Their Avid Followers: A Two-Paper Panel, Filippa Frogner, Aurora Harris, Julia Lastic, Sophia Farrar, Stephanie Williamson, and Richard M. Perloff

Submissions from 2022


Twinkle Stories, Volume 1, Vikas Sabbi


Exploring Young Women's Construction of Social and Political Communicative Realities, Lindsay Strodbeck, Sheila Kiss, Sarah M. Green, Dylan Glover, Molly Weir, Lily Stockbridge, and Richard M. Perloff

Submissions from 2021


A Panel of Papers Examining COVID-19 Masking and Vaccination Advertisements, Julia P. Clark, Bridget A. Warneka, Kasey M. Sheridan, Richard M. Perloff, Michele K. Pucci, Natalie Rippin, Joey Dzingeleski, and Taylor P. Fee

Submissions from 2020


Social Media Influencers: Who They Are and How They Influence, Samra Karamustafic, Taylor Stockmaster, Skye Palladina, Aurora Harris, and Richard M. Perloff


Diversifying Police Departments Through Community-Oriented Based Policing, Beverly J. Pettrey