"Digital Research Portfolio" by Kelly Sargen


Digital Research Portfolio

Document Type



a.) Create a website that showcases 7 of the writings completed throughout the semester. Adjust the compositions as necessary for a digital format. b.) Google docs was used to write compositions, and Google sites was used to compile the compositions in one place. c.) This semester focused on creating a research paper. My site modifies compositions to allow viewers to learn more about the research process as they view my site. Rather than simply reading a bunch of writings, viewers have access to resources that helped me along the way, my personal recommendations, and context for the assignments included. Additionally, a home page was added to make the cite welcoming. And finally, an 'About Me' tab was added for contact information.

Publication Date



This was a great way to blend modern application of writing with traditional lessons.


English 102 Honors

Professor for the Class

Dr. Melanie Gagich
