Digital Research Portfolio
Document Type
a.) Create a website that showcases 7 of the writings completed throughout the semester. Adjust the compositions as necessary for a digital format. b.) Google docs was used to write compositions, and Google sites was used to compile the compositions in one place. c.) This semester focused on creating a research paper. My site modifies compositions to allow viewers to learn more about the research process as they view my site. Rather than simply reading a bunch of writings, viewers have access to resources that helped me along the way, my personal recommendations, and context for the assignments included. Additionally, a home page was added to make the cite welcoming. And finally, an 'About Me' tab was added for contact information.
Publication Date
English 102 Honors
Professor for the Class
Dr. Melanie Gagich
Recommended Citation
Sargen, Kelly, "Digital Research Portfolio" (2020). Digital Student Showcase Fall 2020. 7.
This was a great way to blend modern application of writing with traditional lessons.