"Plug Into the Classroom: Interactive Newsletter" by Sameena Khan and Therese Spence


Plug Into the Classroom: Interactive Newsletter

Document Type

Interactive Web Object


a. In this digital media project, you will discuss your views and visions of family-school relations through video production. The topic should relate to family-school relations, such as family involvement in education, community resources, family diversity and education, school’s strategies working with families, family policies in educational contexts, and so on. In this video, you will share with us about your personal related experience that impacted your life. What made it significant? How has it helped shape who you are today? Additionally, you will propose an innovative idea about your foal topic and promote positive family-school relations. How will your idea better prepare children for tomorrow’s world? b. Google Slides was used to make the main interface of the interactive newsletter, and Google Forms and Google Docs were used to create the links and other resources that were embedded in the newsletter. We used Zoom to record our walk-through and our speech. Adobe Premiere Pro was used to put the entire video together, including editing, adding royalty-free music, transitions, captions, adding gif animations, and adding additional pop-up animations. A text-to-speech program was used to add additional voices at the introduction. c. Our digital project is a film that explains our concept of an interactive newsletter. Our vision was to have a platform where all the students and their families could communicate with their teachers and be updated weekly about what is going on at school. We wanted to provide as much information and opportunities for involvement as possible for all kinds of different families. Our classroom is a family and our students all have something to teach and share. This newsletter provides parents the tools they need to access those opportunities in an easy to navigate platform. Each of these little intentional pieces of the newsletter can work together to create a platform to help aid in developing a community of collaborators consisting of students, parents, and teachers that together make up the learning environment of the classroom.

Publication Date



Different families have different needs; therefore, it is the teacher’s responsibility to work with parents as collaborators in educating their children. Parents and guardians go through so much behind the scenes and they are unable to participate actively in the school or the community. Sometimes, schedules are hectic or some parents do not have access to technology or are unable to navigate through the confusing maze of websites and accounts. Our vision was to create a community in which parents, teachers, and students could all be connected, regardless of time or accessibility.


ECE 500: Foundations of Early Childhood Education

Professor for the Class

Dr. Grace Huang
