"Connecting Historical Thinking and Technology in the Classroom" by Victoria McDonough and Shelley Rose



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The motivation behind the Social Studies @ CSU summer blog series is to encourage discussion among teachers about connecting historical thinking and technology with the content of their Social Studies courses. Many teachers are unaware of how to integrate critical thinking skills into their Social Studies courses, leaving students unable to use those skills to guide their own academic careers. Using the current model of Ohio Social Studies content standards and research completed by Sam Wineburg and Daisy Martin as a framework, the Social Studies @ CSU summer blog series provides technological and lesson planning resources and methods for integrating technology and historical thinking with Social Studies content. The results were seventeen blog postings that provide online resources and ideas that help teachers connect the content of the current Social Studies standards with modern technologies. Also featured are games and interviews with students and teachers that give practical advice and strategies about employing unconventional teaching methods to increase student engagement in Social Studies courses. In conclusion, the discussion about connecting historical thinking and technology in the classroom is ongoing, but research and current technologies are helping teachers integrate historical and critical thinking methods into their content more and more each day.

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Education | Educational Psychology


Student Researcher: Victoria McDonough

Faculty Advisor: Shelley Rose

Connecting Historical Thinking and Technology in the Classroom
