"Fun versus Practical: Physiological Responses and Preference of Exerci" by David Ryland, Alanna Shamrock et al.



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Faculty Advisors

Sparks, Kenneth; T. C. Lam, Eddie


Until the invention of the rowing machine, rowing was only attainable on water. The Champiot Ultra Rowing Bike allows athletes to row on land and remains mobile. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to determine whether the Rowing Bike is more efficient and enjoyable than a traditional rowing machine. METHODS: Energy expenditure, heart rate, and rate perceived exertion (Borg Scale) were evaluated on 20 males (aged 23.75 ± 2.613) and 20 females' (23.05 ± 3.605) while riding the rowing bike and the traditional rowing machine for 20 minutes at 75 percent of their age-predicted maximal heart rates. Post-testing, subjects completed a preference survey. A mixed-design ANOVA in SPSS version 18.00 analyzed and compared all physiological responses and gender differences. RESULTS: Significant differences (p < 0.01) were found for energy expenditure, VE and RPE (p < 0.05) on the different machines. Significant differences were also found when comparing the physiological responses of genders. The questionnaire showed significantly that people prefer the Rowing Bike. CONCLUSION: The data collected indicated that the subjects prefer the row bike; however the rowing machine provides a more quality workout.

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College of Education and Human Services


Education | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Fun versus Practical: Physiological Responses and Preference of Exercise Equipment
