"Voices of Incarcerated Mothers" by Markisha Robinson, Lukas Hamlescher et al.



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Faculty Advisors

Rudd, Jill; Neuendorf, Kim


This project was two-pronged—it explored the impact of video journaling on functional outcomes for incarcerated mothers, and it created documentary content for understanding methods for changing knowledge and attitudes toward incarcerated mothers in the general population. The project team developed and executed a threeweek original, pilot video reflective journaling program for incarcerated mothers at the Ohio Northeast Reintegration Center (NERC). Using the Motivation Enhancement and Therapy perspective, emergent themes for successful re-entry of the women into their families were discovered. And, the team collected a wide array of documentary assets—focus groups and individual interviews of incarcerated and released mothers, the video journaling, person-on-the-street interviews, and B-roll footage--for inclusion in stimulus materials for experiments to test the power of different documentary forms for “changing hearts and minds” with regard to incarcerated mothers.

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College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences


Arts and Humanities | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Voices of Incarcerated Mothers
