"Circadian clock proteins CRYs are involved in control of diet dependen" by Marc Edwards, Allan Poe et al.



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Kondratov, Roman


Circadian clocks are evolutionarily conserved molecular timekeeping systems that generate rhythms in physiology and behavior in almost all living organisms and synchronize them with external environment. Living organisms have multiple circadian clocks which control numerous physiological functions. The light entrained circadian clock involves a transcriptional-translational feedback loop which regulates locomotor activity and metabolic processes and coordinates them with daily rhythms. The food entrainable oscillator (FEO) clock also generates near 24 hour circadian rhythmicity by driving food anticipatory behavior in mice. Mice entrained on 12:12hr light-dark cycle have been shown in previous studies to generate circadian rhythms in food anticipatory behavior, suggesting that this clock runs not on light independent, but food dependent cues. Availability of nutrients regulates metabolic pathways, which promotes cell growth and proliferation. Acyl-CoA Thioesterases (ACOTs) catalyze the hydrolysis of CoA esters leading to the production of free fatty acids and CoA. It is hypothesized that ACOTs are critical in regulation of intracellular levels of CoA and fatty acids. Regulation of ACOTs by circadian clock mechanisms is not well studied. In particular, the mechanism by which circadian clock proteins cryptochrome (CRY) are involved in ACOT protein expression is understudied. To study the effect of feeding regimen on ACOT expression we sampled tissue from wild-type (WT), and CRY 1,2 double knockout mice. Both genotypes were also tested based on different feeding regimen; either ad libitum (AL) or 30% calorie restricted (CR). Effects on aging and the circadian clock from CR feeding regiments is well studied and thus critical to test when investigating metabolic pathways controlled by circadian clock proteins.

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College of Sciences and Health Professions


Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


Life Sciences

Circadian clock proteins CRYs are involved in control of diet dependent Acot expression

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Life Sciences Commons
