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Faculty Advisors
Kothapalli, Chandra; Fodor, Petru
Microfluidic platforms have been widely regarded as defining technologies for the development of chemical and biological synthesis and analysis systems, due to benefits associated with reduced reactant consumption, increases by orders of magnitude of the surface-to-volume ratios, and greatly enhanced control over reactions variables such as temperature and pressure. However, one of the bottlenecks for their wide application is the difficulty in achieving mixing, given the typical laminar flows in these systems. In this work we implement experimentally, various strategies using geometrical features to control the fluid motion and induce stirring flows. The mixers are fabricated using soft-lithography in PDMS employing replica molding. The flow structures were imaged using fluorescence confocal microscopy. In future work, the fluid flow patterns from confocal microscopy imaging, at various locations in the mixer, will be compared to theoretical predictions from computational fluid dynamics modeling.
Publication Date
Washkewicz College of Engineering; College of Sciences and Helath Professions
Chemical & Biomedical; Physics
Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering | Chemical Engineering | Engineering | Physics
Recommended Citation
Butt, Tahir and Mahajan, Gautam, "Methodology Development for the Implementation ofMicrofluidic Mixers" (2018). Undergraduate Research Posters 2018. 65.

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Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering Commons, Chemical Engineering Commons, Physics Commons