"How Can We Reduce Consumer Resistance to Sustainability Interventions " by Janell Craig



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Faculty Advisors

Jieun Park


Consumer resistance in the retail industry has had a major impact on the success rate of sustainability interventions. Consumer resistance can be described as consumers opposition or unwillingness to change due to a shift in the product or service (Gonzalez-Arcos & Joubert, 2021). Limited research on consumer resistance to sustainability interventions creates a research gap that we are attempting to fill. We propose that marketers can reduce consumer resistance to sustainability interventions in the retail industry by implementing the following moderators which suggest that the relationship between consumer resistance and sustainability will differ based upon the type of store, marketing efforts, personality traits, cultural identity, and customer loyalty. A structural equation model will be estimated in “analysis of a moment structure” to assess the proposed model. The analysis will provide evidence or no evidence for the hypothesized relationships among all the variables of interest. With this research, our goal or main purpose is to understand how to reduce the negative effects or outcomes from consumer resistance when implementing a sustainable intervention in the retail grocery industry.

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Monte Ahuja College of Business

Student Publication

This item is part of the McNair Scholars Program.

How Can We Reduce Consumer Resistance to Sustainability Interventions in Retail Stores? Moderating Roles of Culture, Personality, Customer Loyalty, and Marketing Efforts
