Browse all Center for Economic Development publications below, or browse by these research areas:
Ecology of Innovation | Entrepreneurship | Performance of Economic Clusters | Industry Analysis
Economic Analysis of Cities and Regions | Economic Impact | Economic Development Strategy and Policy
Workforce Development | Evaluation of Economic Development Initiatives
Submissions from 2011
Northeast Indiana Entrepreneurial Opportunity Survey Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, Sunjoo Park, and Joan Chase
Northeast Indiana Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, Sunjoo Park, and Joan Chase
Northeast Ohio High-Technology Economy Report, Iryna Lendel and Sunjoo Park
Pennsylvania’s True Commonwealth: The State of Manufacturing – Challenges and Opportunities (Full Report), Edward W. Hill, John R. Brandt, Iryna Lendel, Faith Noble, Ellen Cyran, Charles Post, Jim Samuel, and Fran Stewart
The Ohio Bioscience Industry, 2000-2009, Ziona Austrian, Candice Clouse, and Matthew Hrubey
Northwest Indiana Entrepreneurial Opportunity Survey Analysis, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, and Sunjoo Park
Northwest Indiana Regional Analysis: Demographics, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza, Eli Auerbach, and Sunjoo Park
The Emerging Industry Puzzle: Optics Unplugged, Iryna Lendel
Submissions from 2010
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District: Economic Impact of Operating and Capital Expenditures, 2012– 2016, Ziona Austrian, Candice Clouse, and Iryna Lendel
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2009, Iryna Lendel and Sunjoo Park
The Ohio Energy Industry: Analysis of the Ohio Energy Business Inventory Survey, Merissa C. Piazza
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Afia Yamoah
Northeast Ohio High-Tech Economy Report, Iryna Lendel
Regional Science and Innovation Policies: Five Case Studies, Iryna Lendel and Luz Haack
Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. on Northeast Ohio, 2009, Ziona Austrian
JumpStart Inc. Economic Impact and Contributions to Northeast Ohio, 2009, Ziona Austrian and Afia Yamoah
The Ohio Bioscience Industry, Ziona Austrian and Candice Clouse
Impact of Research Universities on Regional Economies Through the Concept of University Products, Iryna Lendel
Under the Lens: The Geography of Optical Science as an Emerging Industry, Iryna Lendel and Maryann Feldman
Submissions from 2009
Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology in North America: Pathways to Success in Northeast Ohio, E. Brandon Henneman and et al.
New Establishment Dynamics: Business Formation and Survival Trends in Ohio, Afia Yamoah, Ziona Austrian, and Joel A. Elvery
Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: Fourth-Year Findings, David O. Kasdan
The Civic Innovation Lab: Economic Impact, Ziona Austrian Ph.D.
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2008, Iryna Lendel
Identifying High Demand Occupations and Understanding the Needs of Northeast Ohio Manufacturers: Focus Group Summary Report, Ziona Austrian, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Molly Schnoke
Regional Dashboard of Economic Indicators 2009: Comparative Performance of Leading, Midwest, and Northeast Ohio Metropolitan Areas, Ziona Austrian, Afia Yamoah, and Candice Clouse
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, John F. Brennan
JumpStart Inc.: Economic Impact on and Contribution to Northeast Ohio, 2008, Ziona Austrian and Afia Yamoah
Financial Intermediaries for Community and Economic Development in Ohio: Market Assessment, Ziona Austrian, Brian A. Mikelbank, Afia Yamoah, Charles Post, Candice Clouse, and David O. Kasdan
Northeast Ohio High-Tech Economy Report, Iryna Lendel and Ziona Austrian
University-based economic growth, Iryna Lendel, Phillip Allen, and Maryann Feldman
Submissions from 2008
The Role of Northeast Ohio Central Cities in the Regional Economy, 2000-2007, Ziona Austrian, Candice Clouse, Eric J. Mundy, Frank Akpadock, Thomas Jr. Finnerty, and John R. Bralich
Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: Third-Year Findings, survey analysis, David O. Kasdan
Regional Dashboard of Economic Indicators 2008: Comparative Performance of Midwest and Northeast Ohio Metropolitan Areas, Ziona Austrian, Afia Yamoah, and Iryna Lendel
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study Fiscal Year 2007, Iryna Lendel
Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Jill S. Taylor
Northwest Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Jill S. Taylor
Patenting by Cleveland's Inventors: Critical Areas and Knowledge Flows, Iryna Lendel and Songpyo Kim
JumpStart Inc: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, 2007, Jill S. Taylor and Ziona Austrian
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Jill S. Taylor
Federal Economic Development Funding in Ohio: Survey Findings, Afia Yamoah
The Role of CSU's EDA University Center (Presentation), Ziona Austrian
Submissions from 2007
The High-Tech Sector in Northeast Ohio: 2007 Update, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor
Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Afia Yamoah
Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: Second-Year Findings, David O. Kasdan and Jill S. Taylor
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An Economic Impact Study, Fiscal Year 2006, Jill S. Taylor
An Update of the Regional Growth Model for Large and Mid-Size U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Northeast Ohio Dashboard Indicators, Ziona Austrian, Iryna Lendel, and Afia Yamoah
An Update of the Regional Growth model for large and Mid-Size U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Northeast Ohio Dashboard Indicators: Executive Summary, Ziona Austrian, Iryna Lendel, and Jill S. Taylor
The Impact of the Reputation of Bio-Life Science and Engineering Doctoral Programs on Regional Economic Development, Edward W. Hill and Iryna Lendel
John Carroll University: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, Jill S. Taylor, Ziona Austrian, and Afia Yamoah
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Afia Yamoah
International Business in Northeast Ohio, Patricia Cirillo, Jill S. Taylor, and Ziona Austrian
Mechanisms for Cities to Manage Institutionally Led Real Estate Development, Jill S. Taylor
The High-Tech Sector in Northeast Ohio: Baseline Report, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor
JumpStart Inc: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian
Submissions from 2006
Manufacturing Brief: Trends in Manufacturing Industries in Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian
Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Brief, Ziona Austrian
Northeast Ohio entrepreneurship Confidence Survey: First Year Findings, Jill S. Taylor
What Makes a Region Entrepreneurial? A Review of the Literature, Jill S. Taylor
Analysis of the Weatherhead 100 Companies within the Context of Northeast Ohio Industries: Analytical Report, Iryna Lendel
Manufacturing Brief: Trends in Manufacturing Industries in Northeast Ohio, Ziona Austrian
Northwest Ohio Manufacturing Analysis, Robert Sadowski and Jill Norton
The Healthcare Cluster in the Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor MSA, 2000-2005, Iryna Lendel
An Assessment of Education and Training Needs in the Ohio Aerospace Industry, Shari Garmise
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Indicators, Robert Sadowski
Regional Economic Indicators: Human Capital and Workforce, Iryna Lendel
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Ziona Austrian
The Local Context of a Sports Strategy for Economic Development, Mark Rosentraub
Submissions from 2005
Foreign Migration to the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain Metropolitan Area From 1995 to 2000, Mark Salling and Ellen Cyran
The NASA Glenn Research Center: An economic impact Study Fiscal Year 2004, Robert Sadowski
Transforming our Regional Economy, Ziona Austrian, Ed Morrison, and Laszio Kozmon
Occupation Analysis for the Greater Cleveland Area, Jun Koo
Beachwood's Economy: Analytical Report, Iryna Lendel and Ziona Austrian
Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Analysis: A Working Paper in Support of Global Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Roadmap Initiative, Ziona Austrian and Iryna Lendel
Lake Hospital System: An Economic Impact Study, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian
A Strategy for Growing the Ohio Aerospace & Defense Industry, Jack Kleinhenz, Ziona Austrian, Robert Sadowski, and Ed Morrison
Employment Centers in the Akron, Cleveland and Youngstown Metropolitan Areas, Robert Sadowski
Regional Economic Indicators: Affordability and Quality of Life, Iryna Lendel
Northeast Ohio Economic Brief, Ziona Austrian
Traditional Regional Economic Indicators, Robert Sadowski
An Overview of University Real Estate Investment Practices, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton
Did 9/11 change Manhattan and the New York Region as Places to Conduct Business?, Edward W. Hill and Iryna Lendel
University Involvement in Downtown Revitalization: Managing Political and Financial Risks, Mark Rosentraub; Cummings, Scott; Mary Domahidy; and Sarah Coffin
Submissions from 2004
Playhouse Square Center: Economic Impact and Contribution to Northeast Ohio, Robert Sadowski, Jill Norton, Ziona Austrian, and Mark Rosentraub
Regional Economic Indicators: Business & Innovation Climate, Robert Sadowski
Benchmarking Northeast Ohio: Selected Economic Development and Quality of Life Indicators (Presentation), Ziona Austrian
The Economics of Sports: An International Perspective, Robert Sandy, Peter Sloane, and Mark S. Rosentraub
Submissions from 2003
The Role of Colleges and Universities in Neighborhood Real Estate Development: Based on the Experience of Five Institutions, Jill Norton and Ziona Austrian
WIRE-NET Area Industry Profile Analysis, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian
Urban Tourism and Financing Professional Sports Facilities, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian
Submissions from 2002
Cleveland State University: An Economic Impact Study, Ziona Austrian
Industrial Activity in Cleveland, Robert Sadowski and Ziona Austrian
Urban Universities and Real Estate Development, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton
Strategies and Tools in Economic Development Practice, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton
What Works in Economic Development Practice? An Evaluation of Strategies & Tools, Ziona Austrian and Jill Norton
High-Tech Industrial Activity In Greater Cleveland 1992-2000, Robert Sadowski
High-Tech Industrial Activity In Greater Cleveland 1992-2000: Technology-Oriented Employment Addendum, Robert Sadowski
A Guide to Economic Development Practice, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor
Cities, Sports, and Economic Change: A Retrospective Assessment, Mark Rosentraub and Ziona Austrian
Indianapolis, a Sports Strategy, and the Redefinition of Downtown Development, Mark Rosentraub