"From Balkanized Cleveland to Global Cleveland: A Theory of Change for " by Richey Piiparinen and Jim Russell

Document Type


Publication Date


Research Center

Center for Community Planning and Development


With the 2010 census tallied, Cleveland officially hit a 100-year low for population. The community sprang into action without fully understanding the reasons for decline. The goal of this concept paper is to reframe the challenges facing the city and region, thereby informing a more effective policy agenda.


Acknowledgement: The current white paper was funded by Ohio City Incorporated. Ohio City Incorporated, led by Executive Director Eric Wobser, leads the development of Ohio City by serving a diverse community of committed people, driving new investments in and preserving the history of a unique place, and promoting a socially - enriching urban neighborhood. The organization recently adopted a new strategic plan which can be viewed at http://ohiocity.org/sites/default/files/14_16_OCI_StrategicVisionFINALemail.pdf
