"SA2020 San Antonio City Dividends" by Ziona Austrian, Merissa Piazza et al.

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Research Center

Center for Economic Development


The challenge that every city faces is how to best mobilize, accelerate, and sustain action on the key issues that contribute to city success. The future belongs to those cities and regions that can best catalyze collaborative change by demonstrating measurable progress on important goals.

CEOs for Cities believes the answer is city dividends. CEOs for Cities created the city dividend concept to catalyze collaborative economic progress in cities and regions. City dividends, first developed by economist Joe Cortright of Impressa, inc., for CEOs for Cities, and Carol Coletta, former president and CEO of CEOs for cities, are premised on research and experience that measured progress, or “moving the needle,” on targeted work can reap large economic dividends for cities and metro regions, and accelerate movement on important goals.

  • A City DividendTM is the economic benefit resulting from investing resources to successfully achieve a measurable, actionable goal toward your city’s and metro region’s economic progress.

A City DividendTM is the economic benefit resulting from investing resources to successfully achieve a measurable, actionable goal toward your city’s and metro region’s economic progress. The objective of City Dividends is to provide quantitative estimates of the economic gains and/or savings that metropolitan regions and cities could achieve by improving their performance on specific priority issues.
