"Understanding the Location Decisions of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Hous" by Kathryn Hexter, W Dennis Keating et al.

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Research Center

Center for Community Planning and Development


The goal of the Housing Choice Voucher Program is to assist low-income families in renting decent, safe, and affordable housing. Voucher holders are free to select a unit and location that best meets their needs within the guidelines of the program. The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), which administers the program in Cuyahoga County, was interested in learning more about how housing choice voucher holders decide where they want to live. CMHA was also interested in understanding the barriers that might be preventing voucher holders from moving to areas of greater opportunity and how it could partner with cities to design programs that move voucher holders up and out of poverty. CMHA contracted with the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University to undertake a pilot study to investigate these questions.
