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Research Center

Center for Economic Development


The Center for Economic Development at the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University prepared this report for the Ohio Manufacturing Institute (OMI) at The Ohio State University. The objective of this study is to provide background analysis of the materials joining and forming industries for the OMI as they prepare a roadmap for the future and recommendations concerning these industries for the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA). This report provides a literature review and summary of findings.

Literature was collected and reviewed from various sources on the materials joining and forming industries. Academic articles, reports, and studies were collated and analyzed from databases, internet searches, and publications. The goal of this report is to provide a clear context of the state, national, and international conversation on the materials joining and forming industries, as well as to delineate opportunities and challenges as it relates to these industries.

Materials joining and forming are considered two distinct industries with separate manufacturing purposes. However, we reviewed the materials joining and forming literature as one process. Therefore, we consider materials joining and forming two separate industries under one literature review within this analysis. We will refer to them as the materials joining and forming industries; and will most commonly refer to them as “joining and forming.”
