"FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art 2022 Eco" by Molly Schnoke, Shannon Driscoll et al.

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Research Center

Center for Economic Development


FRONT International Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art 2022 public art exhibit ran from July 16 through October 2, 2022. The FRONT exhibit takes place every three years and this iteration, Oh, Gods of Dust and Rainbows, was displayed in Cleveland and Akron, OH at a variety of locations through partnerships with museums and other institutions in the region. This study uses a multi-regional input-output (I-O) model to estimate the effect of the exhibit on the economies of the Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor and Akron Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The economic impact consists of two components: impact of visitor spending and impact of the FRONT 2022 operating budget. The study also incorporates the results of a participant survey.
