"Advancing the Dialogue: Legitimacy, The Founders, and the Contractari" by Michael W. Spicer and L. D. Terry

Advancing the Dialogue: Legitimacy, The Founders, and the Contractarian Argument

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Public Administration Review


In the beginning of the article the author offers his gratitude to would the editor of the "Public Administration Review," for providing this forum for a spirited dialogue on the ideas presented in the article, "Legitimacy, History, and Logic Public Administrati on and the Constitution." The criticisms of John A. Rohr, Theodore J. Lowi, Carnilla Stivers, Kenneth F. Warren, and Charles R. Wise are reasoned, thought-provoking, and deserve serious consideration. As a means of advancing the dialogue, the authors clarify and expand on our arguments in a fashion that they hope will address their criticisms. The authors' response in organized around four central themes (1) the relevance of the legitimacy debate (2) the founders and the character issue, (3) the contractarian approach and its relevance to the legitimacy debate, and (4) a defense of the contractarian approach. Finally a critique is made to judge whether the legitimacy issue is dead or alive from the present context of the discussion.





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