EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Personal experience: Shaping a career direction and a career theory

Presentation Title

Personal experience: Shaping a career direction and a career theory

Author Biography

Dr. Betz has published over 150 articles and chapters and two books on topics including psychological measurement and testing, applications of self-efficacy theory to career assessment, and women's career development. Her current work, in collaboration with Fred Borgen, concentrates on the integration of measures of personality and career interests and confidence using the Healthy Personality Inventory, Career Confidence Inventory, and Career Interest Inventory. In addition to her scholarly work Betz has served on the major editorial boards in vocational psychology and served as Editor of the Journal of Vocational Behavior from 1984 to 1990. She has received numerous awards for her research including the John Holland Award for Research in Personality and Career Psychology and the Leona Tyler Award for Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Counseling Psychology.

Dr. Mark Savickas now concentrates on developing the Career Adapt-Abilities Inventory, the Life Design Counseling model, and My Career Story workbook. He is president of the Counselling Psychology Division (16) of the International Association for Applied Psychology and editor for the Journal of Vocational Behavior. Recently, he published with Kerr Inkson the four-volume Major Works in Career Studies and completed with Paul Hartung and Bruce Walsh he the soon-to-be published two-volume APA Handbook of Career Intervention. He has received the John Holland Award for Research in Personality and Career Psychology, the Leona Tyler Award for Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Counseling Psychology, and the Eminent Career Award for the National Career Development Association.


Great Lakes Conference

Presentation Type

Invited Conversation Hour

Start Date

4-11-2014 2:45 PM

End Date

4-11-2014 3:45 PM


Nancy Betz and Mark Savickas will describe the significant influence of personal experiences prior to and during graduate school on their career directions and on their contributions to career theory. Based on their own experiences, they will offer suggestions which graduate students may find helpful in maximizing their own future career success and satisfaction.

Webinar URL


Link to Webinar


COinS Nancy Betz Ph.D. Mark Savickas Ph.D.
Apr 11th, 2:45 PM Apr 11th, 3:45 PM

Personal experience: Shaping a career direction and a career theory

Great Lakes Conference

Nancy Betz and Mark Savickas will describe the significant influence of personal experiences prior to and during graduate school on their career directions and on their contributions to career theory. Based on their own experiences, they will offer suggestions which graduate students may find helpful in maximizing their own future career success and satisfaction.