EngagedScholarship@CSU - Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference 2014: Social Justice: Theory into Action

Presentation Title

Social Justice: Theory into Action

Author Biography

Sharon L. Bowman, Ph.D., HSPP, LMHC is President of , the Society of Counseling Psychology, Division 17of the American Psychological Association. She is Professor and Chair in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services at Ball State University, and also a psychologist in private practice in Muncie, Indiana. She attended Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Ph.D.), the University of Akron (MA), and The Ohio State University (BA). Her internship was completed in the counseling center at the University of Delaware. Dr. Bowman is a Fellow of APA through Divisions 17 and 45 (Society for the Scientific Study of Ethnic Minority Issues). She is a member and past chair of the Indiana State Psychology Board.

Suzette L. Speight, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Co-Director of Training for the Collaborative Program in Counseling Psychology at The University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. She received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from The Ohio State University in 1990. Dr. Speight , has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Black Psychology since 2004. Dr. Speight is a also Fellow of Division 17 Society for Counseling Psychology of the American Psychological Association. Her research and scholarly interests include the psychological effects of oppression, mental health and African American women, identity development, African-centered Psychology, multicultural competence, and social justice and psychology.

Presentation Type

Invited Symposium

Start Date

4-12-2014 10:15 AM

End Date

4-12-2014 11:15 AM


Dr. Bowman’s presentation, “Putting the ‘Social’ in Social Justice: Who says You Have to do it Alone?” will discuss social justice as practiced in counseling psychology and present some examples of how students have put their personal beliefs into action.

Dr. Speight’s presentation, “Disruptive Justice” will discuss the principles and goals of social justice which challenge the status quo.

Ample time will be available for audience discussion of ways to apply social justice principles in their own work.

Webinar URL


Link to Webinar


COinS Sharon L. Bowman Ph.D., HSPP, LMHC Suzette L. Speight Ph.D.
Apr 12th, 10:15 AM Apr 12th, 11:15 AM

Social Justice: Theory into Action

Dr. Bowman’s presentation, “Putting the ‘Social’ in Social Justice: Who says You Have to do it Alone?” will discuss social justice as practiced in counseling psychology and present some examples of how students have put their personal beliefs into action.

Dr. Speight’s presentation, “Disruptive Justice” will discuss the principles and goals of social justice which challenge the status quo.

Ample time will be available for audience discussion of ways to apply social justice principles in their own work.