Activism From an Organizer's Perspective


Activism From an Organizer's Perspective


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Chrissy was raised in the legacy industrial city of Youngstown, Ohio. Chrissy devotes passion for social justice to their union-laborer father and concern for Latin American solidarity to their mother, who found refuge in the US from Medellin, Colombia, during the height of the civil war in the 1980s. Chrissy received a BA in International and Financial Management from Hiram College and an MA/MEd in Higher Education Administration and Counseling from Kent State University. Currently, Chrissy serves as a representative to the United Nations for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (iFOR), Co-Chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR/FORUSA), Co-Moderator of the Disciples Peace Fellowship (DPF), Chair of the Ohio Fair Trade Network (OFTN), on the Council of School of Americas Watch (SOAW), and as a steering committee member of the Ohio Poor Peoples Campaign (PPC) and Christian Peacemaker Teams (ECAP-Colombia, CPT IK-Iraqi Kurdistan). Chrissy is proud to be a community organizer and helping to build with within grassroots communities in Cleveland with the following groups: Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition, Clevelanders Against Federal Policing, Cleveland Immigration Working Group, Utilities 4 All + Water Equity, End Poverty Now, the NEO Medic Collective, Worker Center and Cleveland Pandemic Response.

Activism From an Organizer's Perspective
